This week’s reading discussed some of the challenges to implementing enterprise blockchain applications, along with a discussion of best practices.
· Create a new thread (by the FIRST DUE DATE)
- Choose one of the best practices presented in the paper assigned as this week’s reading that you find most interesting (and clearly state which best practice you have chosen).
- Explain why you chose this best practice as the most interesting.
- Describe how implementing your chosen best practice (from the assigned research paper) will increase the probability of implementation success.
I’m interested to read what YOU learned from this week’s reading. Do NOT submit a research paper. Tell me what you think.
- Think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread.
o The questions must be taken from material you read in Chapter 12, and each question should start a discussion topic.
o You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.
- Finally, go to three other students’ threads and post comments, answering at least one of their questions.
o For EACH comment you post, use the 3CQ approach (described above.)
o When someone asks you a question, answer it!