413 w3 Assignment: APA Format

 Instructions: Additional Instructions for the Term: You will be required to submit an original prototype mobile application design. The mobile application needs to be an original idea for an application that does not exist. For the proposal you must provide a title and a three to four sentence description of your ideal mobile application. This week submit your mobile application proposal  interest addressing the questions below:

  • What is the name of your original mobile application?
  • What is the target audience who will use your mobile application?
  • Is the purpose of your application to make a profit, to help humanity, or somewhere in between?

Complete the following exercise below: Exercise: Portable MP# Player- Specification. Here is the specification for a portable MP3 player. The YAMP MPE device will have the following features:

Play, Pause, Next Track, Previous Track, Forward, Rewind
Give status about track name, track length and battery status

Operate on either iOS or an Android Device as an App

Using these specifications sketch a low-fidelity prototype that conforms to the specification.

Rubric for Final Project Proposal and Exercises

Assessment Rubric





Points Available


​​​​​​ Proposal:

·  What is the name of your original mobile application?

·  What is the target audience who will use your mobile application?

·  Is the purpose of your application to make a profit, to help humanity, or somewhere in between?

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


Sketch a low-fidelity prototype that conforms to the specification–The YAMP MPE device will have the following features: Play, Pause, Next Track, Previous Track, Forward, Rewind

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


Sketch a low-fidelity prototype that conforms to the specification–The YAMP MPE device will have the following features: Give status about track name, track length and battery status

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


Sketch a low-fidelity prototype that conforms to the specification–The YAMP MPE device will have the following features: Operate as an app on iOS or an Android based device.

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.


Writing Format

Write the paper in APA format. Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise.  The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand.  Correct terminology was used when needed. See references below:

What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIsLV9zOOe0

Writing Help: http://apus.libguides.com/c.php?g=241212&p=1603794

Purdue Online Writing Lab: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

APA and MLA Citation Game Home Page: http://depts.washington.edu/trio/quest/citation/apa_mla_citation_game/

Student effectively wrote the paper using provided format.

Student partially wrote the paper using provided format.

Student wrote the paper with limited and meaningless use of provided format

Student failed to use provided format.




Submission Instructions:

Submit your completed work this week! 

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