413—w2– APA formatted Word document!



Complete the following exercise below:


Assignment: WK2 Exercise Design for the Millennials 


Read the article: How Millennials Require Us to Design the Technologies of Tomorrow


What distinct attributes should be accommodated when designing a mobile application for Millennials?

Take a mobile interface you are familiar with (e.g. the main options menu on your phone) and critique its design with respect to the needs of Millennials users.

Then, show the interface to a Millennial person  and ask the person to comment on it. Compare their remarks with your critique.


Assessment Rubric





Points Available



​​​​​​ 1. What distinct attributes should be accommodated when designing a mobile application for Millennials?

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




2. Take a mobile interface you are familiar with (e.g. the main options menu on your phone) and critique its design with respect to the needs of Millennials users.

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




3.  Show the interface to a Millennial person and ask the person to comment on it. Compare their remarks with your critique.

Student effectively completed the assignment.

Student partially completed the assignment.

The student provided limited and meaningless substance completing the assignment.

Student failed to complete the assignment.




Writing Format

Write the paper in APA format. Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise.  The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand.  Correct terminology was used when needed. See references below:

What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIsLV9zOOe0

Writing Help: http://apus.libguides.com/c.php?g=241212&p=1603794

Purdue Online Writing Lab: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

APA and MLA Citation Game Home Page: http://depts.washington.edu/trio/quest/citation/apa_mla_citation_game/


Student effectively wrote the paper using provided format.

Student partially wrote the paper using provided format.

Student wrote the paper with limited and meaningless use of provided format

Student failed to use provided format.











Submission Instructions:

Submit your completed work this week in an APA formatted Word document!


Heads-up regarding your Prototype Final Proposal:


In WK3, you will submit your Prototype Proposal Topic.

In WK4, you will submit your Prototype Proposal Outline.

In WK6, you will submit your Prototype Proposal Rough Draft.

In WK7, you will submit a mobile application Prototype Final Proposal.

Use actual screenshots, images or diagrams of sample products, processes, etc. to illustrate your App Proposal.

Submit 3-5 pages (double-spaced) not including the title page or reference page (any citations must be in APA style–see the above link).

Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others’ work must include in-text citations, giving credit to the author.

Also, in WK2, you will begin a collaboration project with your fellow classmates in the WK2 Forum. This is a separate project from the App Design Assignment, that’s due WK5.

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