Final Paper

Write a 5-6 page paper that demonstrates a clear understanding as well as analysis of a topic that relates to the content of this course: Law in the Managerial Environment. To receive full credit, it is important that you follow the guidelines provided in the description of the assignment (see module 01 final paper requirements for more details) and the rubric. In addition, please review the final paper rubric prior to submitting this assignment.

Final Paper RubricPreview the document

For the paper, you must integrate information found in peer reviewed, scholarly references as defined below. Remember that this is a scholarly paper, so you will need to ensure your paper aligns with the APA 6th edition writing style. In addition, you cannot use 1st person in this (or any) scholarly paper. Also, do not use “dot com” or wiki references. You are expected to showcase the comprehension of your topic in relation to a focus area(s) of this class.  

 Below are the expectations for this assignment:

  • APA 6th edition format
  • Title page
  • 5-6 pages of body
  • 8-10 peer reviewed, scholarly references. These references must be clearly cited within the body of your paper. Your textbook can be used as a reference but must be in addition to the 8-10 sources.  For the purposes of this course “Peer reviewed, scholarly references” also includes state, federal, and administrative cases, decisions, and opinions; statutes and regulations; constitutions; as well as Restatements and other legal summations of common law.
  • Reference page

Your submission will go through turnitin. Turnitin evaluates the originality score of your paper. Your turnitin score should be 20% or less.  

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