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You manage things; you lead people (Johnson & Hackman, 2018). Knowing the difference between managing and leading is very imperative, especially if one is in the position to lead. When I think of management, I think of paperwork. Managing bills, reports, documents, and the organization as a whole. On the other hand, when I ponder on a leader, I envision someone who is a mentor, providing guidance, displaying their role rather than working in the position. Bolman and Deal (2017) quoted Gardner (1989), “You can be a leader without being a manager.”

Leaders possess the skills to create change, while managers stabilize the organization (Nahavandi, 2014).  Stabilizing the organization and leading the organization are two separate things. Managers are not usually leading the organization anywhere, rather than working toward increasing revenue. Whereas leaders are leading the organization toward greater productivity and job satisfaction. For with increased productivity and job satisfaction, the organization will continue to operate effectively. Creating change consists of being innovative and implementing that change. Whereas managers do not implement any changes, they more so enforce those changes. Leaders guide individuals through the change, taking their opinions and concern into consideration. On my old job, the leader, Mrs. Lisa would discuss the change with us that the parish wanted us to implement. She would ask us for our input. If the change were going to cause harm or be ineffective, Mrs. Lisa would consult with the parish again to see if there was a different way to implement the change or discard the change altogether. Leaders advocate for their employees. Managers possess a different role than leaders. Stovall (2018),  mentioned that managers are reactive, while leaders are proactive.  Leaders are always constantly thinking about ways to improve the organization and the betterment of the organization as a whole. While a manager utilized his or her position as power, a leader utilizes interpersonal skills as his or her power. 

Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E. (2017) Reframing Organizations, (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Nahavandi, A. (2014). The art and science of leadership. Harlow, Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited.

Stovall, J. (2018, August). Are you a leader of a manager? Understanding Leadership and Management. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from HR.com


Topic: How do leadership and management differ?

Effective leadership can be defined in terms of group performance. In simpler terms, the leader is effective if the group is performing efficiently. Another definition may explain that effective leadership is present when employee satisfaction is high. “Leaders are effective when their followers are satisfied” (Nahavandi, 2014). Effective leadership can, also, be described as “the successful implementation of change in an organization” (Nahavandi, 2014). In my opinion, an effective leader should be composed of all of these explanations.

John Kotter (2013) states that there are key differences between leadership and managing. The difference is that leadership creates a system for managers to manage. “Managing consists of planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling, and problem solving” (Kotter, 2010). In simpler terms, management takes an organization and makes it function in the way it was designed to. “Leadership is a set of processes involving creating a vision of the future and a strategy for getting there” (Kotter, 2010). The presenter further explains that it is the leader’s responsibility to communicate the vision in a way that gets others motivated to buy into it. The leader, also, has to create an environment that motivates and inspires people to make that vision a reality.

Kotter’s (2013) explanation coincides with Bolman and Deal’s (2017) statement, one can be a leader without being a manager. After reviewing all of the aforementioned information, I believe that leaders develop a strategy to accomplish the vision and managers are hired to manage the employees as they carry out the strategy. However, it is significant to understand that leaders and managers are essential to the organization. The leaders inspire, motivate, and encourage others to accomplish a goal. The managers plan, organize, and coordinate strategies that are necessary to achieve set goals. There are differences between the leadership and management roles, but both roles are vital components of any business.

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2017) Reframing Organizations, (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 

               ISBN: 9781119261825 

Kotter, J. (2013). The Key Differences Between Leading and Managing. Retrieved

              from, www. youtube.com/watch?     


Nahavandi, A. (2014). The Art and Science of Leadership. (7th Ed.). San Diego, CA: Pearson

             Education, Inc.

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