Research Paper Final Draft

 The topic I chose to research form my research project was high speed trail.  this assignment must be about healthcare. 


Develop: Research Paper

Evaluation Title: Research Paper Final Draft

  • The completed paper will be formatted in APA and include:
    • A title page in APA format
    • An abstract in APA format
    • 8-10 pages of researched content.
    • Introduction that includes: statement of the problem, definition of terms, claim statement, significance  of the study, thesis
    • Body of the paper that includes: background for the research, presentation and analysis of the data, discussion of the research and data
    • Conclusion statement: analytical summary, thesis reworded, recommendations
    • A Reference Page(s) in APA format
    • Provide in-text citations in APA format
  • Please submit both the rough draft and the final draft for the research paper along with the completed literature review. 
  • Clearly label each paper when you save them as rough draft, final draft, and literature review.
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