Employment Category Analysis

 Write a 3–4-page analysis in which you examine the different categories of employment. Analyze the pros and cons of each type of worker from an employer’s perspective and then describe the ideal proportion of workers for a business type of your choosing. Provide a supporting rationale for your description.

Employment laws are based on the premise of the existence of an employment relationship. Defining whether an employment relationship exists between an employee and employer can be challenging in today’s workplace, because there are so many different forms of employment. Regular, full-time employment used to be the norm. Today, companies hire part-time, temporary, or contract employees; this has impacted the legal rights of the employees performing the work. These alternative work arrangements are often referred to as contingent, or non-standard, work.

It is important for HR practitioners and members of management to understand employment relationships and the classification of employees, because this can have a significant impact on the way an employee is paid. This also affects the application of employment laws. 

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