Part 3


You will be assigned to a team to work with to complete all portions of this project.• The organization has established a strategic objective to become an “Employer of Choice” within three years.  (Addressed in Part I)• As the HR Leaders, your team must determine what HR Services are most important to the employees and what their current level of satisfaction is with the various services. (Addressed in Part II)• Your team is on a specific budget and will make decisions about where to invest during this fiscal year to increase overall employee satisfaction with HR Services. (Addressed in Part III)• Your team will then present the findings and recommendations of this Project to the Organization Executive Team.

Part III:  Using Data for Management Decisions

● (100-200 words) Building on Part II of this project, introduce the recommendations that will be made and the process used to select them.

● (250-300 words) Using current research, provide recommendations to improve the first negative gap.

●(250-300 words) Using current research, provide recommendations to improve the second negative gap.

● (250-300 words) Using current research, provide recommendations to improve the third negative gap.

● (150-200 words) Formulate a compelling conclusion as to why implementing your recommendations will support the company’s strategic objective (as stated in the scenario and discussed in Part I) and secure budgeted funds for implementation.

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