


The objective of this assignment is to apply the principles and concepts of security as enterprise architecture by extending upon the material described in the Archisurance case study.


Write a paper explaining how Archisurance should address security within each layer of its enterprise architecture. Include in your discussion descriptions of the specific business, operational, and cyber-security risks that need to be managed and suggestions for how these might be managed.


· Submissions should be between 750 words and 1,000 words in length.

· Refer to the UCOL Format and Style Requirements (Links to an external site.) on the Course Homepage, and be sure to properly cite your sources using Turabian Author-Date style citations (Links to an external site.).







Small Paper Rubric


Small    Paper Rubric






This criterion is linked to a   Learning OutcomeContent 


70.0 to >60.0 pts 

Excellent Work

Student demonstrates thorough understanding of the     topic. Incorporates material from the assigned readings and from his/her     experience. Specific examples are used to amplify key points. Demonstrates     critical thinking skills in analyzing key concepts.

60.0 to >49.0 pts 

Meets Standard

Student demonstrates understanding of the topic.     Incorporates some material from reading and/or personal experiences. Some     critical thinking skills applied.

49.0 to >35.0 pts 

Needs Improvement

Student demonstrates some understanding of the topic.     Few or no references to reading material or personal experience.

35.0 to >0 pts 

Needs Significant Improvement

Student did not demonstrate understanding of the topic.     No references to reading material or personal experience.

70.0 pts


This criterion is linked to a   Learning OutcomeClarity 


20.0 to >16.0 pts 

Excellent Work

Paper is structured in a logical manner, with     appropriate subheadings to facilitate reading. Arguments are clear and     backed with facts. Few, if any, unsubstantiated assertions.

16.0 to >14.0 pts 

Meets Standard

Paper is structured logically. Some unsubstantiated     arguments and/or assertions.

14.0 to >10.0 pts 

Needs Improvement

Paper is not structured logically. Many unsubstantiated     arguments and/or assertions.

10.0 to >0 pts 

Needs Significant Improvement

Paper lacks structure. Unsubstantiated arguments and/or     assertions.

20.0 pts


This criterion is linked to a   Learning OutcomeGrammar, References, UCOL   Style Guide 


10.0 to >8.5 pts 

Excellent Work

Writing follows accepted English grammar practices. No     spelling or grammar errors, Use of Turabian and proper citation references     and/or use of UCOL Style Guide used appropriately.

8.5 to >7.0 pts 

Meets Standard

Writing follows accepted English grammar practices. Not     more than 3 grammatical errors. Use of Turabian and proper citation for     references and/or use of UCOL Style Guide needs improvement.

7.0 to >5.0 pts 

Needs Improvement

Writing deviates from accepted English grammar     practices. 5 or more grammatical errors. Use of Turabian and proper     citation for references and/or use of UCOL Style Guide needs improvement.

5.0 to >0 pts 

Needs Significant Improvement

Poor English grammar practices. Many grammatical errors.     Use of Turabian and proper citations and/or use of UCOL Style Guide lacking.

10.0 pts


Total   Points: 100.0

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