5 Pages – APA – Human Resources – Must Throughly Explain and back up with Sources*******

For this Capstone assignment, you will identify 5 aspects that motivates employees to perform.  Then, you will evaluate how each management type impact employees’ motivation.  Finally, you will review and evaluate how rewards impact motivation.

Develop a well-written report that addresses the following:

  • Explain how the 5 aspects you identify as employees’ motivators impact the performance in the organization.
  • Describe how each management style impacts employees’ motivation depending on the industry or organization.
  • Create a rewards plan that will help increase and maintain employees’ motivation.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5 pages in length
  • Incorporate a table or figure that visualizes the strategies*********** INCLUDE A VISUAL ASPECT – CHART, GRAPH ETC.,
  • Include at least two different scholarly sources not utilized previously*************
  • Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center
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